This concentrate of pomegranate and sugar is just one of many ways fruits can be turned into refreshing cordial or sherbet drinks. Grenadine is often used as a cocktail ingredient (such as in the classic rum-based El Presidente) but can also be even more simply enjoyed over ice with sparkling water, or added to lemonade for a burst of additional colour and flavour. 

The humble cup of tea is elevated to wonderfully spiced and warming levels when you make your own blend with flavours balanced to suit you. This one has a bite from the peppercorns and a citrus lift from the coriander seeds.

This cordial is inspired by the oranges and cloves often used in festive mulled drinks and is very useful as a stand-by in the fridge. Try with sparkling wine as a spiced version of Bucks Fizz; add into cocktails; or serve soft with sparkling water or ginger ale.